How do I find Care on Location's Shared Records in the Health Information Exchange (CORHIO/Contexture) using the portal Patient Care 360?
How do I find Care on Location's Shared Records in the Health Information Exchange (CORHIO/Contexture) using the portal Patient Care 360?
Care on Location's chart documents do not show up initially as "Encounters" when you first log into CORHIO/CONTEXTURE. Our charts are considered "EXTERNAL DOCUMENTS" and requires a secondary search once inside of the Health Information Exchange. The following steps will advise on how to do that from their portal.
Once you have found the patient click on their name to open the Patient Summary
Click on "Documents" in the left vertical menu
You might receive a message stating "No records could be found for this patient within the current 'Last Year' date range. Please click this message to close it, then select a new date filter to expand your search"
Click the message or the "X" in the upper right of the message
Use the dropdown next to "Showing" to select a date range in which you are looking for our specific visit. Then click the button "Find External Documents"
The patient's name should appear again in a pop-over box. Select the Checkbox next to the patient's name and click the button "Find Patient Documents".
The search can take a bit so be patient.
The Document Types should appear. Make sure the ones you would like to view are checked. The click the button "Load Selected Documents".
Those documents will now load into the Documents window of the Patient Summary Page. The document is now clickable to be viewed.
This document can be downloaded or printed if desired and will include any allergies, new meds, results, and assessments added by our team.